Maximising Property Potential
About Us
We are an award-winning town planning and development consultancy working across the UK offering expert planning, land, public engagement & strategic development advice.
Our Services
We offer the full range of planning application services and are experienced in dealing with planning and development matters involving all types of major and minor planning applications.
Our Clients
We provide planning services and strategic development advice to assist private developers, commercial businesses, land owners, householders, funds, investors, and other large organisations.
About Us
We are a specialist town planning and development consultancy
We offer expert: planning application, land, property and development advice throughout the UK.
Our focus is on providing added value to the planning and development process, whether you are a multi-national company seeking permission for a major development, or; a private individual wanting to extend your home.
Our objective is to maximise the value of our client’s property assets.
We pride ourselves on our integrity and attention to detail, and our ability to deliver tactically astute advice, and cost-effective and high quality bespoke solutions to a broad range of clients.
Our extensive experience allows us to advise in relation to the full remit of town and country planning matters and to deal with a range of projects from large scale development projects through medium sized development schemes, to smaller scale planning matters, undertaking research and preparing planning strategies.
We aim to build strong and positive relationships with our clients, and take a personal approach to ensuring that they achieve their development objectives.
We lead the way by reacting to the continuing sea change in planning policy and legislation that guides planning decisions, and importantly; we understand how other parties can influence the planning process. The planning process is the subject of demands, frequently competing, and from many different parties – planning officers, statutory consultees, politicians, and communities.
We offer a perceptive and insightful approach to managing these interests, in seeking to meet client objectives, and to secure consents. This approach works for a variety of clients from commercial occupiers, strategic investors and volume housebuilders to local developers, landowners, and private individuals.
Our role in the planning process can be tailored to complement the skills of your own project team, and can also incorporate the management of sub-consultants, as appropriate.
Our Projects
Hybrid Planning & Development is a trusted and results-driven planning consultancy
We have successfully led the planning process for developments across the UK.
We can demonstrate an excellent track record of success covering both small scale and larger, more complex development schemes.
We have extensive experience of dealing with a full range of planning applications from single dwellings, residential extensions and householder applications to major residential and build-to-rent schemes, changes of use and variation of condition applications for commercial operators and retailers, large-scale urban regeneration projects, and complex mixed-use schemes.
Irrespective of project size, the common theme in the delivery of our professional services, is the application of our expert knowledge of the planning and development system itself, and our ability to maximise the value of our clients’ property assets across all sectors, and at every level.
We maintain good working relationships with local authorities and utilise our local knowledge and experience to enable planning issues to be identified and tackled early on; to break down barriers, solve problems, and to deliver results for our clients.
Our Services
We offer the full range of planning application services and are experienced in dealing with planning and development matters involving all types of major and minor planning applications.

Due Diligence, Site & Planning Appraisals
To advise on the scope for alternative uses and/or redevelopment to enhance the value of existing land or buildings, and to inform the acquisition or disposal of property assets.

Permitted Development & Prior Approval
Advising on permitted development rights relating to the extension and alteration of dwelling houses, retail, industrial and other types of development, including the provision of new buildings and changes of use without the need for planning permission, and; the preparation and submission of applications for prior approval, including larger residential extensions, the flexible use of non-residential buildings, and offices to residential.

National Acquisitions & Roll-out Programmes
Co-ordination and management of planning applications (including applications to vary use restrictions, range of goods, hours of operation and delivery hours, advertisement and external alterations applications), and potential enforcement matters.

Portfolio & Asset Management
Planning audits and strategic advice to maximise the prospects of adding value to land or property portfolios by way of planning permissions and representations to emerging local plans, and; extension, sub-division and variation of condition applications to improve the operational flexibility of existing units.

Lawful Development Certificates
Securing the legality of both existing and proposed uses and development by way of certification by the local planning authority, via the preparation and submission of CLEUD or CLOPUD applications.

Pre-Application Negotiations & Consultation
Preparing and managing pre-application submissions, representation at pre-application meetings with local authorities and other stakeholders, and; advising on consultation requirements, facilitating stakeholder briefing sessions, and attendance at public exhibitions and meetings.

Preparation & Submission of Full Range of Planning Applications
Outline, hybrid, full and reserved matters applications (including EIA screening and scoping requests), non-material, minor material amendment (Section 73) applications, and applications for advertisement, listed building and conservation area consents, together with CIL and S106 negotiations, speaking at planning committees, and discharge of condition applications.

Planning Appeals
Assessment of local authority reasons for refusal and subsequent preparation and submission of planning appeals to the Planning Inspectorate (via written representation, hearing and public inquiry routes), instruction of Counsel, and provision of expert witness, as appropriate, and; householder, minor commercial and advertisement consent appeals (written procedures).

Local Plan & Third Party Representations
Representations to emerging strategic policy and land allocations, monitoring services, and defensive planning, and; advising on the implications of planning proposals for private individuals, land owners and commercial operators with a view to preparing representations and/or objections to proposals affecting their property assets.
The above services are not exhaustive
If there is another planning or development related service that you require please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Clients
We provide planning services and strategic development advice to assist private developers, commercial businesses, land owners, householders, funds, investors, and other large organisations. If you are an individual, or a public / private sector business you will receive the same first-class service, and level of expertise.
- Apogee Assets
- Apollo Stone Properties
- Ardgowan Homes (South East)
- Arkwright & Co
- B&B Homes Limited
- BRAC Contracts
- Brown & Tripp Partnership
- Capital Projects Engineering
- CB Hotels
- Cheshunt Chiropractic Clinic
- Cowley Property Investment
- Diamond Life Development
- E&A Group
- Enimed Properties
- Eocene Property Development
- Exclusive Rooms
- F&C Estates
- Fairstone Properties Holdings
- Farrer & Co
- Fishnet Properties
- Global DVP
- Goodsir Commercial
- Hackwood Homes
- H.R. Owen
- Hastings International
- HGS Properties
- HH Muckers
- Hickman Estates
- Highfields of Hertingfordbury
- Hilton Maydal
- Hockenhull Garages
- Homeglade Estates
- Horstix
- Hunt Property Investments
- Ionic Property Developments
- J & B Ashley
- JJ Properties
- Joe & The Juice
- Kings Crescent Homes
- Kingston Hill Partners
- KJD Property Partnership
- Lambournes
- Landale Management
- LEOS International
- Lightsense Technologies
- Londonsbridge
- Londonewcastle
- Make Work Space
- M & E Consultancy (UK)
- Major Commercial Property
- Martorana Properties
- Mathnasium Learning Centres
- Melt Property
- MNY Developments
- Mode Construction Services
- New Homes Hertfordshire
- Oblix Living
- Octavia Housing
- Old House Group
- Opulus Property Investments
- Paddy Power
- Parkview Developments
- Prisma Property Developments
- Prolighting London
- Quadron Investments
- Ravendene Holdings
- RAW Investments
- Red Loft
- Reflect Homes
- Restoration London Group
- RN Real Estates
- Screwfix Direct
- Selwood
- Shirehampton Properties
- Simit Sarayi UK
- Skinsmiths
- Spurgeons Children’s Charity
- Tennyson Street
- Tookland
- Touch Property Management
- Trine Developments
- TripCo Holdings
- Turners Construction
- UK Land Assets
- Unilux Homes
- United Properties London
- Wasabi
- West Hampstead Motors
- Winfox
Contact Us
Hybrid Planning & Development
The Old Vyner Street Gallery
23 Vyner Street
E2 9DG